5 Tips to Help Your Child Develop a Love for Healthy Food

Babies and children learn by observing and imitating the people closest to them, usually their parents.

They learn about the world and life from them, developing habits and forming opinions on various topics by watching adults. If dad loves soccer – the child will too. If mom reads books – the child will too. If parents eat healthy – the child will too.

Eat Together with Your Baby/Children

When it comes to teaching children to eat healthily, you need to set an example yourself. Sit down at the table with your children and show them what Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower are (if you haven’t already introduced them to these green and white vegetables). This way, the baby will observe your reaction to the food you are also giving them.

Of course, their food won’t be seasoned like yours, but they should still experience the taste of real ingredients.

When introducing solid food to your baby at 4-6 months old, according to pediatric advice, you’ll know which foods to offer first: potatoes, carrots, rice, spinach, pumpkin, bananas, etc. These are all foods that babies will easily accept.

To save time and effort in food preparation, feel free to buy pre-made baby food with 100% natural ingredients. Just pay attention to the labels, as they will provide detailed information on nutritional values, sugar, salt, fat, and other ingredients.

Each jar clearly indicates the appropriate age for the baby or child: 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, etc.

Visual Effect – Helping Acceptance of New Foods

When a baby starts eating purees, they can taste and smell the food they are eating but don’t know what it looks like. Give them a piece of potato or carrot while they eat the puree of that food.

Let them explore the broccoli florets you are eating. It will be interesting for them to play with and examine “that green thing” in their hands, while they taste its flavor in the puree.

When giving purees from a jar, show them a picture of the food. They will likely find it easier to eat everything you prepare. Positive Attitude Towards Healthy Food Always maintain a positive attitude about the food you eat and avoid bribing your child with phrases like: “You won’t get ice cream if you don’t eat your green beans.” This will make the child perceive green beans as bad because they MUST eat them to get dessert or a reward.

When introducing new foods, always say something positive about that vegetable, fruit, meat, or fish. Give your child a chance to enjoy everything on their plate, even things you might not want to taste yourself.

Try not to let your taste preferences influence theirs. Act a bit – say “Mmmm, this is delicious” and eat at least one bite with a smile on your face. Go Shopping with Your Child When your child is a bit older, make a shopping list together and show them how a meal should be composed.

For example, for breakfast, include whole grain bread, cottage cheese for spreading, fresh peppers (let the child choose the color), yogurt, and milk. Let the child choose vegetables for soup, for the main dish with meat, and for salad, and also fruit for dessert or a snack.

Explain why each ingredient is important. This will help them learn to pay attention to what they eat. Allow them to pick a sweet treat to put in the cart at the end, which they can have after the meal. Don’t forbid them from having sweets, but guide them to consume them in moderation.

Play with Ingredients

Turn meals into a game – let each ingredient have a superpower that the child gains after eating it. Connect some superheroes with specific foods.

For example, Popeye ate spinach, or Banana Man – the name says it all.

However, you need to be cautious here as well. Ninja Turtles eat only pizza, so explain to your little one that such food cannot be eaten every day because it is not healthy to eat only dry food.

Invent a superhero together who eats all the food that their mom prepares, and as a result, is smart, strong, and brave… Play with the ingredients by creating various characters or shapes. Make a treat together and let them lick the bowl with the cream. We cherish these moments, so why not create such memories with our most beloved ones?